Paik's Coffee

Reasonable price, amazing quality coffee shop “Paik’s Coffee”.

Business Profile and Book

  • 2012 The Born Japan CEO
  • 2008 CEO of The Born America
  • 2005 The Born China CEO
  • 1993 CEO of The Born Korea

Making Reasonable Coffee Culture

The history of Paik’s Coffee begins with an interesting episode.

In 2006, because of our restaurants concentrated in Nonhyeon-dong, there were many illegal parking of customers around the restaurant. The person who suffered the most from these vehicles was a small cafe located at the entrance of our original ssambap restaurant. I always felt sorry for the car stopped in front of the cafe. At the request of the cafe owner, who asked if it would be like to take over the business, a small cafe became the beginning of Paik’s Coffee.

After taking over the store, I had no choice but to study coffee. As I researched coffee, I created a lot of question marks in my head. What is the distribution structure of coffee beans that makes coffee so expensive? How can you drink iced coffee so cool that the nape of your neck feels cold? Is there any way to enjoy my favorite mixed coffee in large quantities without getting tired of it? Wouldn’t it be impossible to sell bread just because it’s takeout?

I want to always be by your side with a comfortable appearance like a friend. I hope you have a sweet day with Paekdabang.

The Born Korea Co., Ltd. CEO

Baek Jong-won